Ankle replacement surgery: What to expect
Ankle replacement surgery involves removing damaged parts of the ankle joint and replacing them with an artificial joint. It is an option when noninvasive treatments, such as physical therapy, have been ineffective for arthritis.
Sprained Ankle: Treatment and Recovery
Your ankle joint connects your foot with your lower leg. Three ligaments keep your ankle bones from shifting out of place. A sprained ankle is when one of these ligaments is stretched too far or torn. Anything that stretches your ankle more than it’s used to can hurt a ligament. This usually happens when your foot is turned inward, outward, or twisted.
Physical Therapy for a Broken Ankle
A broken ankle can severely limit your ability to perform basic functional tasks like running and walking. This painful injury can cause loss of lower extremity strength, range of motion, and pain. These impairments can make performing your normal everyday activities difficult or impossible.
Causes of Foot Pain and Treatments
Common causes of foot pain include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, osteoarthritis, bunions, and more. You may find just the top of your foot hurts, or you have one-sided foot pain, or there may be pain and swelling in both feet. These symptoms can point to a specific diagnosis.
Foot Anatomy and Common Foot Problems
The parts of the foot and its functions are unique but can also contribute to common foot problems. The many bones, ligaments, and tendons of the foot help you move, but they can also be injured and limit your mobility.